Keywords: 1838 Monin Map or Physical Tableau and Astronomy Chart (Zodiac) - Geographicus - Tableau-monin-1838.jpg Artwork fr Légendes Tableau de géographie physique “ Trombes Marines “ Chûte d ™Eau “ Volcan “ Glacier “ Vallée “ Position de la terre dans les quatre Saisons “ Phases de la Lune “ Zônes et cercles “ Antipodes “ Signes du Zodiaque “ Sphère Armillaire “ Rose des vents “ Axe de la terre et écliptique “ Méridiens ou Longitudes “ Parallèles ou Latitudes en This is a very unusual 1838 map and astronomical chart by M Monin Divided into two sections The left section is a Geographical Tableau essentially a map of nothing showing various geographical features and how they can be displayed Shows mountains plains gulfs seas archipelagos swamps lakes rivers and plateaus among others Along the bottom there are five engraved images of geographical sights and events including tornadoes at sea a waterfall a volcano erupting a glacier and a valley The right side of this map is a Astronomical chart itself divided into various elements Includes a diagram of the seasons a map of the phases of the moon a representation of the Zodiac a lunar and solar eclipse diagram an Armillary sphere etc ¦ Prepared by M Monin as plate no 1838 undated Size in 14 10 5 object history credit line accession number Tableau-monin-1838 <i>Atlas Classique de La Geographie Ancienne du Moyen Age et Moderne a L'Usage des Colleges et des Pensiones pour servir a L'Etude de La Geographie et de L'Histoire corrige et augemnte Par M Monin ingenieur-Geographe membre de la Societe de Geographie <i> 1838 edition Geographicus-source PD-art Charles V Monin Map elements Armillary spheres Seasons on Earth Lunar phase diagrams Eclipse Zodiac diagrams Compass roses on maps Astronomical diagrams Latitudes Longitudes 1838 engravings Diagrams in French |