Keywords: 1866 Colton Map of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana (w- Wyoming) - Geographicus - WAORIDMT-colton-1866.jpg This is a scarce and unusual map of the northwestern part of the United States issued by J H Colton in the 1866 edition of his important General Atlas This map first appeared in the 1865 issue of Colton ™s Atlas and was subsequently updated in the 1866 1867 and 1868 issues before being retired in 1869 Covers Washington Oregon Idaho and Montana as well as modern day Wyoming and parts of Dakota Nebraska Utah Nevada California and British Columbia Predates the creation of Wyoming Territory and consequently Wyoming is shown as part of Dakota Territory Montana features a number of newly created counties including Big Horn Gallatin and Missoula Details several important roads and routes including the Cherokee Trail Pony Express Route Overland Mail Route a proposed route from Gallatin City to Ft Laramie and the proposed route of the Union Pacific Railroad Also covers the explorations of Fremont 1842 1845 Stansbury 1849 Donelson 1853 Arnold 1853 McClellan 1853 Mullen 1853 Stevens 1853 and Warren 1855 Depicts forts with small flags and notes many American Indian tribes gold deposits and geological formations Features the typical Colton scrollwork border Like most Colton maps it is dated and copyrighted According to Act of Congress in the year 1855 but was in fact published over 10 years later 1855 dated but published in 1866 Size in 27 16 6 object history credit line accession number WAORIDMT-colton-1866 Colton G W <i>Colton's General Atlas</i> 1866 editon Geographicus-source PD-old-100 Maps by Joseph Hutchins Colton Old maps of Idaho Old maps of Montana Old maps of Oregon Old maps of Washington state 1866 maps |