Keywords: 1872 Colton Map of Antarctica or the South Pole - Geographicus - SouthPole-colton-1872.jpg A rarely seen variant state of Colton ™s map of the South Pole Antarctica or the Southern Polar Regions Shows the great southern continent with both solid and tentatively sketched in borders Notes the travels of important Antarctic explorers of the previous 20 years or so including Wilkes 1840 Bellinghausen 1820 Ross 1840 - 1843 KIempt 1833 Cook 1773 - 1774 and Biscoe 1831 Generally gives an excellent overview of the state Antarctic exploration and discovery to about 1855 Though this map is not significantly different from earlier editions - the only notable change to the plate is that the J H Colton imprint has been replaced by the G W and C B Colton imprint - however it is unique in that color has been added All previous editions of this map were in black and white Like most Colton maps though the plate has changed the copyrights were not updated and remain 1855 Prepared by G W and C B Colton as map no 14 in the 1872 edition of Colton's Atlas of The World Published from Colton ™s 172 William Street office in New York 1872 dated 1855 Size in 13 5 16 5 object history credit line accession number SouthPole-colton-1872 Colton G W C B <i>Colton's Atlas Of The World Illustrating Physical And Political Geography </i> 1872 editon Geographicus-source PD-old-100 Maps by Joseph Hutchins Colton Old maps of Antarctica 1872 maps |