Keywords: 1876 Mitchell Map of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Geographicus - Philadelphia-mitchell-1876.jpg A beautiful example of S A Mitchell Jr ™s 1876 folio map of Philadelphia Pennsylvania Covers downtown Philadelphia and adjacent Camden offering street detail on both sides of the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers Names important buildings parks roads railways public work and military installations Color coded according to city wards Surrounded by the attractive vine motif border common to Mitchell atlases between 1866 and 1880 One of the more attractive atlas maps of Philadelphia to appear in the later 19th century Prepared by S A Mitchell Jr for inclusion as plates 42-43 in the 1876 issue of Mitchell ™s New General Atlas Dated and copyrighted Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1876 by S Augustus Mitchell in the Office of the Librarian of Congress in Washington 1876 dated Size in 22 15 object history credit line accession number Philadelphia-mitchell-1876 Mitchell Jr S A <i>Mitchell's New General Atlas</i> 1876 edition Geographicus-source PD-old-100 Maps by Samuel Augustus Mitchell Old maps of Philadelphia 1876 maps Philadelphia Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad |