Keywords: 1902 WrightBrosGlider.jpg Wilbur Wright piloting 1902 glider near Kitty Hawk N C Library of Congress The permanent address of the digital image is http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/ppprs 00604 If you want to see the catalog record for this image then use http //www loc gov/pictures/item/2001696487/ 1902-10-10 Wright Brothers no known restrictions TITLE Wilbur gliding to the right bottom view of glider CALL NUMBER LC-W86- 13 P P REPRODUCTION NUMBER LC-DIG-ppprs-00604 digital file from original LC-W861-13 b w film copy neg No known restrictions MEDIUM 1 negative glass dry plate ; 5 x7 in CREATED/PUBLISHED 1902 Oct 10 PD-old Wright glider |