Keywords: 4 21 polytope B6 Petrie.svg Gosset 4_21 polytope as orthogonal projection graph in B6 Petrie polygon basis Red orange yellow green vertices have multiplicity of 1 3 9 12<br/> Projection basis of 6-cube v1 0 149429245361 0 408248290464 0 557677535825 0 557677535825 0 408248290464 0 149429245361 v2 -0 557677535825 -0 408248290464 -0 149429245361 0 149429245361 0 408248290464 0 557677535825 Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Sreejithk2000 using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text I Tom Ruen talk created this work entirely by myself 00 09 25 February 2010 UTC <br/> 2010 02 25 first version ; Tomruen original upload log page en wikipedia 4_21_polytope_B6_Petrie svg 2010-02-27 22 48 Tomruen 800×800× 412231 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2010-02-25 00 09 Tomruen 800×800× 414979 bytes <nowiki> Gosset 4_21 polytope as orthogonal projection graph in B6 Petrie polygon basis I ~~~ created this work entirely by myself ~~~~~ ~~~ p</nowiki> Set of colored Coxeter plane graphs; many vertices |