Keywords: A man in a blue cloak - Google Art Project.jpg Unknown 1 Unknown 2 None 407151 Unknown Unknown - Unknown /collection/the-pushkin-state-museum-of-fine-arts-moscow/artwork/a-man-in-a-blue-cloak-unknown/439539/ Unknown /collection/the-pushkin-state-museum-of-fine-arts-moscow/ The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Moscow 393002 http //www arts-museum ru/ 12/5/2011 11 57 51 AM /collection/the-pushkin-state-museum-of-fine-arts-moscow/artwork/a-man-in-a-blue-cloak-unknown/439539/ 1 1st century AD wood encaustic True 290 439539 True 100 /collection/the-pushkin-state-museum-of-fine-arts-moscow/level/ground-floor/689024/ Ground floor 3/24/2012 2 16 53 AM I 1 а 5771 http //www arts-museum ru/data/fonds/ancient_east/1_1_a/0001_1000/5771_men_in_blue_cloak/index php lang en painting 0 110 Fayum Egypt w260 x h290 cm 1st century AD False 0 841796875 Object /collection/the-pushkin-state-museum-of-fine-arts-moscow/level/ground-floor/689024/room-6-hellenistic-and-roman-egypt-coptic-art/681273/ Room 6 Hellenistic and Roman Egypt Coptic Art a-man-in-a-blue-cloak-unknown A man in a blue cloak a 260 wood encaustic special url_id NwHpnZnC63NP4g PD-old-100 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Egypt Fayum mummy portraits in the Pushkin Museum |