Keywords: Ada Lovelace 1838.jpg Ada Lovelace 1838 From http //www cs kuleuven ac be/~dirk/ada-belgium/pictures html The Ada Picture Gallery <br/> <br/> Evelyn Silva scanned this from a picture she found in the trash in Louisiana USA and submitted it to the Ada Picture Gallery in October 2000 She wrote On the bottom of the picture it says LONDON PUBLISHED NOV 1 1838 FOR THE PROPRIETORS No 18 19 SOUTHAMPTON PLACE EUSTON SQUARE NEW ROAD In the lower left corner it says Printered by Mc Queen On the lower right of the picture its Engraved By W H Mote On the left Drawn by A E Chaton R A There was also a page with a bio on it This was not in a book when I found it it was loose along with some other Ladies of the Queens court So I don't have any other info on it It is an original print from its time not a reproduction <br/> <br /> William Henry Mote did the etching and this was colored with paint by hand this is not uncommon in the mid 1800's Also note William Henry Mote also had his etching shop on New Road as was mentioned in the London post office journal in 1841 This is an example of art for the masses or common art which became mass produced in England in the 1800's However even so William Mote was one of the six or so etchers commonly mentioned in the release of a new book and he did portraits of royalty for books of the day Now that we have cameras we dismiss the lifelike qualities of his craft 1838 Creator William Henry Mote Ada lovelace jpg PD-old-100-1923 Portrait paintings of women Lovelace Ada Ada Lovelace William Henry Mote |