Keywords: adolphe heri dubois special collection photo adolpheheriduboisspecialcollectionphoto â n.s. (north sea) class ânsnorthseaclass aviation lighter than air lighterthanair lta airship n.s.11 ns11 aircraft blimp royal navy royalnavy rn royal naval air service royalnavalairservice rnas north sea-class northseaclass north sea-class airship northseaclassairship ns-class nsclass ns-class airship nsclassairship fiat Catalog #: 09_01009 Title: Adolphe Heri DuBois Special Collection Photo Additional Information: N.S. 11 airship on ground viewed from the rear, Adolphe Heri DuBois served during World War I, Corporation Name: N.S. (North Sea) class Tags: Adolphe Heri DuBois Special Collection Photo, N.S. (North Sea) class Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive Catalog #: 09_01009 Title: Adolphe Heri DuBois Special Collection Photo Additional Information: N.S. 11 airship on ground viewed from the rear, Adolphe Heri DuBois served during World War I, Corporation Name: N.S. (North Sea) class Tags: Adolphe Heri DuBois Special Collection Photo, N.S. (North Sea) class Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive |