MAKE A MEME View Large Image Airy-pattern.svg Vectorized version of Image Airy-pattern png Created in Adobe Illustrator and then edited to incorporate gradient stops calculated in Chipmunk Basic see below for source code 2007-07-08 Sakurambo wikipedia en <font style ...
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Keywords: Airy-pattern.svg Vectorized version of Image Airy-pattern png Created in Adobe Illustrator and then edited to incorporate gradient stops calculated in Chipmunk Basic see below for source code 2007-07-08 Sakurambo wikipedia en <font style color f06; border 1px solid f6a; background-color fff8f0; >æ¡ ã‚“å Š</font> Source code <source lang qbasic > ' Positions of 1st 10 zeros in bj1 x data 3 83170597 data 7 01558668 data 10 17346814 data 13 32369194 data 16 47063005 data 19 61585851 data 22 76008438 data 25 90367209 data 29 04682854 data 32 18967991 ' dim zero 5 for j 1 to 5 read zero j next j ' open radial_grad txt for output as 1 max_x zero 5 np 10 for j 0 to 4 for p 0 to np-1 x zero j 1-p/np + zero j+1 p/np if x 0 then airy 1 else airy 2 bj1 x / x 2 airy airy 0 4 ' Gamma function increases brightness of low values x0 x/max_x 1 <stop offset ;chr 34 ;str x0 ;chr 34 ; 1 style ;chr 34 ; stop-color ; h hex floor 255 abs airy +0 5 2 1 h ;h ;h ;chr 34 ; /> next p next j 1 <stop offset ;chr 34 ; 1 ;chr 34 ; style ; 1 chr 34 ; stop-color 000000 ;chr 34 ; /> close 1 end ' ' BesselJ1 function based on Javascript source code at ' http //www mhtl uwaterloo ca/old/courses/me3532/js/bessel html sub bj1 x ax abs x if ax < 8 0 then y x x tmp -2972611 439+y 15704 48260+y -30 16036606 ans1 x 72362614232 0+y -7895059235 0+y 242396853 1+y tmp ans2 144725228442 0+y 2300535178 0+y 18583304 74+y 99447 43394+y 376 9991397+y 1 0 ans ans1/ans2 else z 8 0/ax y z z xx ax-2 356194491 ans1 1 0+y 0 183105e-2+y -0 3516396496e-4+y 0 2457520174e-5+y -0 240337019e-6 ans2 0 04687499995+y -0 2002690873e-3+y 0 8449199096e-5+y -0 88228987e-6+y 0 105787412e-6 ans sqrt 0 636619772/ax cos xx ans1-z sin xx ans2 if x < 0 0 then ans -ans endif bj1 ans end sub </source> Linear gradient stops were generated with this program <source lang qbasic > open linear_grad txt for output as 1 for x 0 to 20 xx 20-x /20 2 ' Create more stop colors in low intensity region y xx 0 4 ' Gamma function c hex floor 255 y+0 5 2 c c +c +c print 1 <stop offset ;chr 34 ;str 1-xx ;chr 34 ; print 1 style ;chr 34 ; stop-color ;c ;chr 34 ; /> next x close 1 end </source> Sakurambo Original upload log page en wikipedia Airy-pattern svg 2008-07-09 14 17 Sakurambo 283×210× 5677 bytes <nowiki>xml errors fixed</nowiki> 2008-07-09 14 15 Sakurambo 283×210× 5698 bytes <nowiki>better version gradients calculated in software </nowiki> 2008-07-08 10 55 Sakurambo 283×210× 3757 bytes <nowiki>fixed gamma snafu</nowiki> 2008-07-08 10 42 Sakurambo 283×210× 3756 bytes <nowiki> vectorized version of Image Airy-pattern png I created this work entirely by myself 2007-07-08 ~~~ 100px </nowiki> Airy disks
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