MAKE A MEME View Large Image Albrecht Dürer 076.jpg Artwork Q3937522 Creator Albrecht Dürer Porträt Friedrichs des Weisen Kurfürst von Sachsen Portrait of Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony c 1485 1499 oil canvas cm 76 57 Institution Gemäldegalerie Berlin 02 ...
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Keywords: Albrecht Dürer 076.jpg Artwork Q3937522 Creator Albrecht Dürer Porträt Friedrichs des Weisen Kurfürst von Sachsen Portrait of Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony c 1485 1499 oil canvas cm 76 57 Institution Gemäldegalerie Berlin 02 http //www smb-digital de/eMuseumPlus service ExternalInterface module collection objectId 1750997 viewType detailView Gemäldegalerie 1904<br>http //www spk-digital de/showDetail html id 22/bam/museum/smb/gg/00002385 22 Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz<br>www bpk-images de/ bpk-images de search 00002385 accession number 557C Yorck http //www malerei-meisterwerke de/bilder/albrecht-duerer-portraet-des-friedrich-des-weisen-kurfuerst-von-sachsen-02686 html malerei-meisterwerke de http //mail wikipedia org/pipermail/wikide-l/2005-April/012195 html other versions PD-old-100-1923 PD-Art-YorckProject DEFAULTSORT Duerer; Portrait of Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony; Berlin Gemäldegalerie; 1496 Portraits by Albrecht Dürer Paintings by Albrecht Dürer in the Gemäldegalerie Berlin Paintings in the Gemäldegalerie Berlin - Room 2 Portraits of Friedrich III Sachsen 1500 portrait paintings Male; Duerer; Portrait of Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony; Berlin Gemäldegalerie; 1496 15th-century men looking at viewer in art 15th-century oil on canvas paintings in Germany 15th-century portrait paintings in the Gemäldegalerie Berlin 1500 15th-century portrait paintings of bearded men � 15th-century portrait paintings of men at half length 1500 15th-century portrait paintings of men wearing black hats � Curly hair in art male German portrait paintings of bearded men � German portrait paintings of men wearing black hats � Male long hair in art Portrait paintings of men wearing black hats in Germany � Portraits with parapet Renaissance portraits of men 15th-century three-quarter view portrait paintings of men facing right
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