Keywords: Albrecht Dürer - Proportion study of female nude with a shield - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project 21 5 Nuremberg Germany 1471 6 4 Nuremberg Germany 1528 Male 512003 1471 - 1528 /collection/kupferstichkabinett-staatliche-museen-zu-berlin/artwork/proportion-study-of-female-nude-with-a-shield-albrecht-durer/516035/ Albrecht Dürer /artist/albrecht-durer/4132021/ 4132021 /collection/kupferstichkabinett-staatliche-museen-zu-berlin/ Kupferstichkabinett Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 434676 http //www smb museum/smb/standorte/index php p 2 objID 39 n 9 lang en /collection/kupferstichkabinett-staatliche-museen-zu-berlin/artwork/proportion-study-of-female-nude-with-a-shield-albrecht-durer/516035/ 1500 Pen and brown ink 303 516035 False 1500 1500 KdZ 44 recto Paper 1500 1510 w206 x h303 cm 1500 False 0 671875 Object proportion-study-of-female-nude-with-a-shield-albrecht-durer Proportion study of female nude with a shield p 206 en <p>Text © Kupferstichkabinett Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / H Mielke<br/>Photo © <a href http //www bpk-images de rel external >b p k - Photo Agency</a> / Kupferstichkabinett Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Jörg P Anders</p> Pen and brown ink special url_id wgG9cvSkDuZEKg PD-old-100-1923 1528 Drawings by Albrecht Dürer Google Art Project works by Albrecht Dürer |