Keywords: Anders Leonard Zorn - Grover Cleveland - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project oil on canvas 1860 1860 1920 1920 Anders 392389 Leonard Zorn 1860 - 1920 /collection/national-portrait-gallery/artwork/grover-cleveland-anders-leonard-zorn/433049/ Anders Leonard Zorn /artist/anders-zorn/4131087/ 4131087 /collection/national-portrait-gallery/ National Portrait Gallery 340004 http //npg si edu/ 11/29/2011 9 53 56 PM /collection/national-portrait-gallery/artwork/grover-cleveland-anders-leonard-zorn/433049/ 1899 Painting True 1197 433049 True 1899 Sight 3/24/2012 1 48 54 AM NPG 77 229 http //npgportraits si edu/eMuseumNPG/code/emuseum asp rawsearch ObjectID/ /is/ /66246/ /false/ /false newprofile CAP newstyle single National Portrait Gallery Smithsonian Institution; gift of the Reverend Thomas G Cleveland painting 1890 1900 w895 x h1197 cm 1899 False 0 732421875 Object grover-cleveland-anders-leonard-zorn Grover Cleveland g 895 Painting special url_id BAFCovHEIPk4kg 1920 Google Art Project works by Anders Zorn Grover Cleveland by Anders Zorn Official presidential painted portraits in the White House 24 Paintings in the National Portrait Gallery United States Cleveland |