Keywords: Anonymous French Painter - Vanitas - Google Art Project.jpg 1600 1700 1600 1700 France 1700 None 407038 French 1600 - 1700 /collection/fundacion-banco-santander/artwork/vanitas-anonymous-french-painter/393057/ Anonymous French Painter Painter /artist/french-painter/4126109/ 4126109 /collection/fundacion-banco-santander/ Fundación Banco Santander 351009 http //www fundacionbancosantander com/ 11/23/2011 5 04 47 PM /collection/fundacion-banco-santander/artwork/vanitas-anonymous-french-painter/393057/ 1670 1670 Oil on canvas 500 393057 False 1670 Complete 3/24/2012 12 38 07 AM 33 http //www fundacionbancosantander com/coleccion/ /obra/33 http //www fundacionbancosantander com/ Fundación Banco Santander Fundación Banco Santander Painting 1670 1680 City Madrid Spain Exhibition w640 x h500 mm 1670 False 1 27680798004988 www fundacionbancosantander com Object vanitas-anonymous-french-painter Vanitas v 640 Oil on canvas special url_id owEw63xOeBADEQ PD-old-100-1923 1700 Google Art Project works by unknown artist France 1670 paintings Paintings of Vanitas Still-life paintings of jewellery Flutes in art Paintings of carpets Celestial globes Jars in art Coins in art Colección Fundación Banco Santander 17th-century oil on canvas paintings in Spain 1670s still life paintings Mirrors in paintings Jewellery boxes in art 17th-century still life paintings in Spain Still life paintings of globes |