Keywords: Anthonie van Dyck - Portrait of Karel van Mallery - Google Art Project.jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Nasjonalgalleriet commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title Portrait of male Karel van Mallery core creator Creator Anthony van Dyck core date dateCreated 1641 core format 100 84 core type Paintings core relation http //www digitaltmuseum no/things/nm/NMK-B/NG M 03201 core rights The National Museum of Art Architecture and Design core format medium oil canvas art artist_birth_place Antwerpen Belgia art artist_nationality Belgian art artist_death_place London Storbritannia art artist_date c-0d5f498b customtext translated_title Portrett av Karel van Mallery c-0d5f498b customtext technique Olje på lerret c-0d5f498b customtext latitude/longitude_artist_death_place 51 5073346 -0 12768310000001293 c-0d5f498b customtext latitude/longitude_artist_birth_place 51 2190618 4 402890100000036 google display_date 1641 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google street_view_asset/id XgECH-vAf3qvUw google street_view_level/id 4488346238719433535 google street_view_location 59 9164924621582 10 737900733947754 1 2200000286102295 KyNCc4wZxtBcp0J8CMWyxg google partner/id 000000000d5f498b google picasa_token WXE54S6rfZ9ujvI5yLK1vPmRaCA special url_id HwHAmDpgbZgnsg google partner/name The National Museum of Art Architecture and Design Norway special partner/name_no_lang The National Museum of Art Architecture and Design Norway PD-old-100-1923 1641 Google Art Project works by Anthony van Dyck Paintings in the Nasjonalgalleriet Male portraits by Anthony van Dyck 1641 paintings in Norway 17th-century oil on canvas paintings in Norway 17th-century paintings in Norway 17th-century oil portraits of men at half length |