Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16264242848).jpg PETER HENDERSON CO NEW YORK -BULBS I-OR AUTUiMN PLANTING <br> '9 <br> LARGE TRUMPET NARCISSUS <br> WHITE AND YELLOW YflBIETIES <br> Empress A iiingnUuriit Inrm- VHiioty <br> tioTd ami tTCHt A riiri- Im'UuI v Some <br> j lv ; this tlie piiliii of l i-lnK the best of <br> the two-colon- l IriiiiipetH Perianth white <br> anil of rent KuliMtiinie tniniiiet rich <br> yellow iSi-rr-iit on prrihililif; pii ˘ ˘ <br> Grandee FIdwith lurg ' Itli In-ond <br> white perlimth the petiils of wlileh are <br> wide mill overliipiiliiir tnl e a ninKiiiHcent <br> vi-llow hemitlfully liiiliricateil ; a llower of <br> gri'at MUliHtancc anil ranil or lUttinR <br> Horsefieldi 'I'lie ijnri'ii ofthf l ifT t1ils ' <br> Very lar ;e ttnwerw of pare while with <br> rich yellow trumpet Very stately ami <br> iM-uurifiil ami om- of the inoHt elegant for <br> larJleM' corHaiie wear The tlowerK ai-e the <br> largest of this i-lass yery early ami fni'- <br> liloonilng a Krund cut llower and eagerly <br> sought lifter as one of the finest See <br> cut <br> Frinceps ViTy early This Is one of the <br> most po iulMr v'viiiter-tlnwerlng and fon'lng <br> yarietli-s gniuri Flowers large perianth <br> sulphur an immense riih yellow trumpet <br> ScOtiCtlS The – ˘Srolrh liullllld I'loMi r <br> or ˘ – Litruf-hitni-riiif I i'iit Lil v Large <br> llowers of rreaniy white bright yellow <br> Inimpel – leiraiillv' tiaiiu -d -iml si-rr -iteil <br> Mixed Iiarg'e Trumpet Narcissus For <br> growing in mas xes in tl ivver Imrders and <br> grass or to aalurnlize by woodland walks <br> in woods and shrubbery and by streams <br> and lake o We st rongly reeommemi them <br> all being yigorons free-growing yarieties <br> \Vr; offer them at an exieptionftHy low priie <br> to encourage liberal plantings They are <br> perfectly hardy and will flourish and <br> ineroase <br> Diilivered fre <br> in D S <br> THF QnEKN OK <br> PAFPODILH <br> NARCISSUS <br> ITRHKKIKI ni <br> Henderson's <br> HlGH-GRftDE BULBS <br> WE SUPPI Y ONLY TO <br> THE PI ANTEK DIRECT <br> We do not sell to dealers <br> fe <br> Dehvered frte 1 <br> 1 Barer pijing <br> ia D S <br> Transit <br> flli-WtilleVarielies <br> Each <br> Doz <br> Ooz <br> ISO <br> Albicans The » lute <br> Si i iisli I tfr HI Treuniy <br> wliilr with a sllyei V white <br> ' <br> truinpi'l sliglilly Unshed <br> with primroM-nmleiegantiy <br> rr lirved at brim Srfrlll <br> lOc l oo <br> ' ille <br> 7 00 <br> Tortnosus – ery robust <br> piiiiuilh twisted trumpet <br> eriiimy while passing to <br> snow-while delightfully <br> KV 1 00 <br> 90c <br> 7 00 <br> Pallidns Prsecox The <br> – – Uliiif r\ rriii-i'nDiifTiiihi ' <br> 1 iTie if iheenrliest and most <br> b iullful yarieties; both <br> trumpet ami erlanth are <br> ell nr Hulphur-whlte ; one of <br> the best for fon-lng The <br> <br> flowers though not extra <br> – <br> 1 <br> large are fni-ly produeefl <br> 8c <br> 8r p <br> 1 i5c <br> 5 00 <br> DO SOT FORGET TO A VAIL YOURSELF OF YOUR PRE/ IUM See our Offer on 2d page of cover 43899731 149965 78524 Page 19 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899731 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899731 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899731 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Narcissus BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16264242848 2015-08-24 23 57 12 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |