Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16264274638).jpg – fm <br> PETER HENDERSON CO NEW YORK ” MISCELLANEOUS BULBS <br> g -« aj 4- y ' <br> T\ l -KA <br> TriOI' KOLlM JAUUA 1 1 II <br> TRITOMAS <br> A Ktntoly ffe-niis of hnrrly tiilieroiis lant» <br> ciiiiiifntl v 'fftitlve for j;nrdfii and Inwii dfc- <br> orntloii throwing up tall Kpikcs of hIujw v flowtTH during the <br> late Hiininier and nntiinin monthH Thr nt-w varieties are ninr- <br> vclniiH IniprovementM over the old well-known Red Hot Poker <br> il iht iSuecut lli-ttily ill Suvpiiiliir <br> T Nobilis The granderit of Immense Bplkes of brilliant orange <br> iirl ilducrs on steniH j to 7 feet high <br> T Pfitzeri \ dwarf early free-blooinlng sort; spikes of pure <br> liri; 'ht crimson without a tinge of yellow or orange 2 feet high <br> 'T'pi'T'Pi l A Exceedingly bright and free-blooming bulbous <br> 1 'vl V /i l/A« plants highly valuable for both garden and <br> pot cult me \ dozen roots in a ten-inch pot will In the autumn <br> make a beautiful di«iilny The bulbs sliould be grown In pots <br> In a cold frame during winter and they can either be brought in <br> the conservatory towards spring for l loomliig or can be trans- <br> ferred to the open ground In May for summer blooming or the <br> bulbs can be kept dormant and planted out in MaylikeGladiolus <br> and tlien be lifted in nutiimii for wiiiler blooming <br> Crocata Mixed colors Many beautiful sorts <br> lieautlful and graceful climbing plants <br> for the conservatory or window gar- <br> den producing in the early spring months richly colored flowers <br> They can be grown in pots and trained over low trellises ” or as a <br> t rack 't plant In tlie window SVe i-iit <br> Jarrattii Scarht yellow and black <br> These opular summcr-blooming bulbs <br> produce tall si lkes of deliclously fra- <br> grant waxy pure white lowers The Singh and Pearl varieties <br> are e xtenslvely forced In tlie greenliouse for cut bloom though <br> the bulbs are generally kept dormant until spring and then <br> planted In the open ground or they can be started In the house <br> and be removed to the open ground In May thereby securing <br> early tlnwers before frost In autumn Remix in Xoyenilter <br> Soable Dwarf Pearl Twenty to twenty-fourincheshlgh ; flowers <br> iiftcii tun inches III iliaraeter and imbricated like a Camellia <br> Variegated Foliage The leaves are bordered with white mak- <br> ing till- plant very attractive even when not In bloom Flowers <br> large single <br> Albino V new branching single variety flowering thirty days <br> earlier tlian the old single throws from two to five flower stems <br> from a single bull and these again are often branched; most <br> valuable for cut flowers <br> TROP OLUM <br> TUBEROSES <br> npY'rv /p A Very distinct plants of the Gesnera family pror <br> 1 I L /T-f/A dudng a long and brilliant succession of flowers of <br> the mo st diverse shapes and gayKolored markings They are <br> valualjle for winter flowering In a warm greenhouse or conserva- <br> tory as by starting them early or late they will bloom In any <br> I x - <br> rut <br> \/AI I OTA Ptirptirea Scarborough Lily A valuable <br> V /»l- I-«v/ ' »» free summer and autumn bloomer color rich <br> WATSONIA <br> red It does well planted in the open ground In May and when <br> in bud can be potted and removed for conservatory or window <br> decoration It Is one of the really good window plants See cut <br> Iliigle Lil y Summer-flowering bulbs <br> hardy south of Washington and can be <br> grown nurtii with the jirotectlon of a cold frame or the bulbs <br> can be kept dormant and planted out In spring Their long <br> spikes of brilliant scarlet pink white and purple flowers are very <br> effe -tive and most useful for cut flowers <br> Mixed Varieties <br> VPDH VC A MTH F Amongoumiost beautiful dwarf <br> LiCttrll I IV' ' lll Jt btilboiis plants very effective for <br> planting out in masseslii May floweringwitli great profusion dur- <br> ing the summer They are also most siH table for pot culture ; 6 to <br> 1 J liiilliB clustered In a G-lnch pot in the autumn will give a fine <br> display of bloom dining the winter In the window garden or <br> conservatory 1 foot liigli See rut <br> Atamasco M'hite suffused with flesh color hardy <br> Candida Large white flowers <br> Bosea Heautiful large rose-colored flowers <br> Sulphnrea Bright yellow <br> FSICES <br> Delivered Free in D S <br> Each Doz <br> 50c <br> 50c <br> 4c <br> 5 00 <br> 00 <br> 100 <br> 2 0 1 <br> 10 00 <br> 1 25 <br> 8 00 <br> 1 25 <br> 40 <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 2 0O <br> 2 50 <br> 2 50 <br> 8 00 <br> 20 00 <br> 9 00 <br> 2 50 <br> 8 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 3 00 <br> BOROUGH <br> LILV <br> ZEPUYRANTUES BOREA 43899757 149965 78524 Page 45 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899757 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Atamasco NameConfirmed Atamasco NameBankID 8788303 NameFound Borea NameConfirmed Borea NameBankID 3003826 NameFound Bosea NameConfirmed Bosea EOLID 2877689 NameBankID 2554523 NameFound Gesnera NameConfirmed Gesnera EOLID 23573739 NameBankID 3434291 NameFound Nobilis NameConfirmed Nobilis NameBankID 4259179 NameFound Watsonia NameConfirmed Watsonia EOLID 50560 NameBankID 4935158 Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899757 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899757 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Tritomas Tritonia BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16264274638 2015-08-24 23 53 19 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |