Keywords: Azteccodeexample.jpg An example of the information technology w Aztec code a two dimensional barcode or matrix code developed in the United States Aztec Code was invented and patented by Andrew Longacre Jr of Welch Allyn Inc in 1995 and used commercially from 1997 though later released into the public domain <br />When decoded this Image contains This is an example Aztec symbol for Wikipedia <br /> Aztec code is a competing public domain alternative product of Category QR code of information technology products en wikipedia 2005-08-31 Fauthd wikipedia en No longer listed as user when checked 2008-07-15 Azteccodeexample svg Fauthd original upload log page en wikipedia Azteccodeexample jpg 2005-08-31 18 21 Fauthd 90×90×8 4356 bytes <nowiki>This is an example Aztec symbol for Wikipedia </nowiki> 2005-08-31 18 17 Fauthd 90×90×8 4356 bytes <nowiki>This is an example Aztec symbol for Wikipedia </nowiki> 2005-08-31 18 00 Fauthd 90×90×8 2866 bytes <nowiki>This is an example Aztec symbol for Wikipedia </nowiki> 2005-08-31 17 58 Fauthd 90×60×8 3040 bytes <nowiki>This is an example Aztec symbol for Wikipedia </nowiki> 2005-08-31 17 40 Fauthd 46×46×8 2235 bytes <nowiki>This is an example Aztec symbol for Wikipedia </nowiki> Aztec code |