Keywords: Beautify your homes (16163970787).jpg Miss Ella V Baines The Woman Florist Springfield Ohio <br> ASPIDISTRA LLR1DA <br> ASPIDISITRA LURIDA <br> A very useful and durable decorative plant of strong growth Will <br> succeed in any position An excellent hall or corridor plant 15 <br> cents each <br> ALYSSUM � DOUBLE SWEET <br> A very great advance on the single Alyssum It is indispensable <br> as a cut flower being a beautiful white and very fragrant A very <br> useful edging plant Continues to bloom till November as light <br> frosts do not injure it Also fine for Winter blooming in the house <br> boxes 5 cents each <br> ALYSSUM � DOUBLE SWEET <br> Elegant for baskets vases or window <br> AMARYLLIS <br> AMARYLLIS <br> Amaryllis Aulica � Lily of the Palace Vivid scarlet <br> sparkling in the sunlight as if sprinkled with gold dust By <br> moonlight it is indescribably grand A very handsome variety <br> Fine blooming bulbs 50 cents Cheap at this price <br> Amaryllis Belladonna Major � One of the most lovely <br> flowers imaginable It throws up strong stalks which support <br> immense panicles of lovely shell pink flowers with a clear white <br> throat It has the largest bulbs of any of the Amaryllis 50 <br> cents each for fine extra large bulbs to bloom at once <br> Amaryllis Formosissima � Jacobean Lily This grand <br> bulb will flower either Summer or Winter Keep dry during <br> Summer for Winter blooming and reverse the order for Sum- <br> mer bedding The flowers are of the darkest scarlet very rich <br> and pure and produced freely Strong blooming bulbs <br> 25 cents each <br> Amaryllis Johnsonii � One of the most gorgeous bulbous <br> plants grown We have seen specimens of a few years' growth <br> that completely filled a window Nothing is more showy thiin <br> this grand plant during hue Winter or early Spring bearing <br> large flowers of intense crimson wilh a delicate while feather in <br> each petal It is most superb Strong bulbs to bloom at <br> once 50 cents <br> Amaryllis Equestre � The Eagle Lily This is entirely <br> different from the other varieties of Amaryllis The flower in <br> shape and size resembles the Lily Candidu'm The color is a <br> brick red; quite distinct and novel Pine bulbs to bloom <br> at once 25 cents <br> ABUTILON CHINESE BELL FLOWER <br> Price 5 cents each except where noted <br> Souvenir de Bonne � New One of the most valuable novel- <br> ties of recent years To- <br> tally distinct Itisavery <br> strong grower The <br> leaves a beautiful green <br> are regularly banded <br> with gold the flower <br> stem is eight to nine <br> inches long the bloom <br> very large and bright <br> orange red in color A <br> beautiful decorative <br> plant being of fine tree <br> shape 10 cents each <br> Shower of Gold � A <br> beautiful dwarf growing <br> variety the whole plant <br> being covered with a <br> profusion of beautiful <br> golden yellow blossoms <br> Robert George � A <br> free and continuous <br> bloomer Flowers are <br> broad their large over- <br> lapping petals incurved <br> color orange veined <br> with crimson <br> Eclipse -This is an <br> elegant foliage plant <br> and one of the prettiest we know It is new and the flowers <br> which are produced in profusion set the plant off to good ad <br> vantage <br> Thompson �� Pletja � New Perfectly double flowers that re- <br> semble in form a double Hollyhock Color a rich deep orange <br> shaded and streaked with crimson The foliage is delightfully <br> variegated <br> Enfanta Eulalia � Flowers large and cup-shaped Color a <br> delicate satiny junk <br> Scarlet Gem � A rich bright scarlet <br> Golden Bells � Large well shaped flowers of deep yellow <br> AZALEA INDICA <br> AEUTILON SOUVENIR DE BONNE <br> AZALEA INDICA <br> One of the most gorgeously blooming families together witli <br> the showiest of all greenhouse plants The colors of the flower <br> varv from the purest white to the deepest crimson in untold va- <br> riations The soil should always be packed hard when trans- <br> planted Their success depends however on the degree of <br> moisture in the atmosphere in which they live I have a num- <br> ber of the best flowering sorts that will flower finely this coming <br> Winter both double and single flowered in any color desired <br> The plants I offer are magnificent specimens the finest you have <br> ever seen and all will bloom this year 60 cents each; hue <br> large plants three years old 75 cents each <br> N B � Be sure and try my Azaleas they will not disap- <br> point you In ordering name the color you wish I can <br> furnish them in the following colors White pink <br> crimson salmon rosy lilac and white striped witti <br> crirasou 41878704 131125 64689 Page 3 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41878704 1918 10 1080/00222939708680643 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Abutilon NameConfirmed Abutilon hybrid EOLID 71367 NameFound Alyssum NameConfirmed Alyssum L EOLID 39058 NameFound Aulica NameConfirmed Aulica EOLID 4845853 NameBankID 4084502 NameFound Azalea indica NameConfirmed Azalea indica L EOLID 5251133 NameBankID 1779497 NameFound Eulalia NameConfirmed Eulalia EOLID 108151 NameBankID 652465 Biodiversity Heritage Library Beautify your homes 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Roses Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41878704 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41878704 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-23 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16163970787 2015-08-25 06 51 29 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Beautify your homes Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |