Keywords: Beijing 1848 RU.jpg LargeImage en Plan stolichnago goroda Pekina s okrestnostīiu / litografirovannyi so s emki Polkovnika Ladyzhenskago pri Voenno-topograficheskom depo v 1848 godu Sankt-Peterburg Voenno-topograficheskoe depo 1848 Topographic map of the city of Beijing 2 walled districts and its surrounding rural areas Shows government and imperial buildings in the urban areas; and shows roads villages individual buildings tilled fields and wooded areas in the surrounding rural zone Relief shown by hachures In old-orthography Russian Title from upper map border Sectioned to 16 panels to enable folding and mounted on cloth backing Includes statement of attribution in the lower map border Scale 1 42 000 1 English in to 1 verst LOC-map g7824b ct001939 gmd Tikhon Ladyzhenskii 1848 Old maps of Beijing Maps_in_Russian PD-USGov |