Keywords: Bicyclemeasurements.svg Commonly used bicycle measurements Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Liftarn using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text Own work based on Image Bicyclemeasurements jpg created and released into the public domain by Kelli Boone 2007 05 20 <br/> 2007 05 20 first version ; 2007 05 20 last version Sakurambo Original uploader was Sakurambo at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author <br/> Original text You have permission to use and alter this image en wikipedia Sakurambo Original upload log page en wikipedia Bicyclemeasurements svg 2007-05-20 11 58 Sakurambo 984×802× 24245 bytes <nowiki>Text still not displaying properly Use character outlines instead </nowiki> 2007-05-20 11 55 Sakurambo 984×802× 8880 bytes <nowiki>altered letter spacing</nowiki> 2007-05-20 11 53 Sakurambo 984×802× 8856 bytes <nowiki> Commonly used bicycle measurements Own work based on Image Bicyclemeasurements jpg created and released into the public domain by Kelli Boone 2007-05-20 User Sakurambo </nowiki> Bicycle frames Bicycle diagrams |