Keywords: Burbank potato1.jpg en The Burbank Potato An improvement in one of the most important crops which as has been stated by a member of the United States Departament of Agriculture is adding seventeen million dollars a year to the farm incomes of America alone to say nothing of foreign countries This potato was produced by Mr Burbank when in his 'teens and was the result of finding a seed ball on his mother's potato patch The perfection of this potato involved no form of crossing or hybridisation but was brought about solely through utilizing the forces of environment and heredity - and by careful selection Burbank Luther 1849-1926 / Luther Burbank his methods and discoveries and their practical application 1914 http //digicoll library wisc edu/cgi-bin/HistSciTech/HistSciTech-idx type header id HistSciTech Burbank01 isize Burbank Luther 1914 PD-old Solanum tuberosum 'Russet Burbank' Luther Burbank |