Keywords: CalabasasAdobe.jpg 75000433 Miguel and Espíritu Leonis Adobe in the far western San Fernando Valley A Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument the first and National Register of Historic Places site located at 23537 Calabasas Road Calabasas Los Angeles County Historic American Buildings Survey CALL NUMBER HABS CAL 19-CALA 1- http //memory loc gov/pnp/habshaer/ca/ca0200/ca0200/photos/011647pv jpg http //memory loc gov/pnp/habshaer/ca/ca0200/ca0200/photos/011647pv jpg http //memory loc gov/cgi-bin/displayPhoto pl path /pnp/habshaer/ca/ca0200/ca0200/photos topImages 011647pr jpg topLinks 011647pv jpg 011647pu tif title 2 20 20Historic 20American 20Buildings 20Survey 20Jack 20E 20Boucher 20Photographer 20October 201960 20SOUTH 20ELEVATION 20 3Cbr 3EHABS 20CAL 19-CALA 1-2 displayProfile 0 http //memory loc gov/cgi-bin/ampage collId hhphoto fileName ca/ca0200/ca0200/photos/browse db action browse recNum 0 title2 Miguel 20Leonis 20Adobe 2023537 20Calabasas 20Road 20Calabasas 20Los 20Angeles 20CA displayType 1 itemLink r ammem/hh FIELD 28DOCID+ BAND 28 lit 28CA0200 29 29 29 High res tif at LOC border cropped converted to jpg before upload to Wikimedia Commons 1960-10 Creator Jack Boucher CAL 19-CALA 1-2 Leonis Adobe Files uploaded by PDTillman Jack Boucher 1960 in Los Angeles Black and white photographs of Los Angeles Black and white photographs of structures Historic American Buildings Survey in Los Angeles California Balconies in California 03 Porches in California Gardens in Los Angeles |