Keywords: California U.S. Route 6.svg en This is a map of U S Route 6 in California Email me if you would like a copy of the GIS data I created for the highways User NE2 Sources http //www bts gov/publications/north_american_transportation_atlas_data/ BTS North American Transportation Atlas Data http //www dot ca gov/hq/traffops/trucks/truckmap/truck-route-list xls Caltrans State Truck Route List XLS file http //www dot ca gov/hq/structur/strmaint/brlog2 htm Caltrans Log of Bridges on State Highways http //traffic-counts dot ca gov/ All Caltrans Traffic Volumes on CSHS http //www leginfo ca gov/cgi-bin/displaycode section shc group 00001-01000 file 300-635 California State Legislature Definitions of Routes U S Route 6 in California Road maps of state highways in California 006 |