MAKE A MEME View Large Image Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal) - The Bucintoro at the Molo on Ascension Day - Google Art Project ( AGPvVoUXqRRYw).jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons ...
View Original:Canaletto_(Giovanni_Antonio_Canal)_-_The_Bucintoro_at_the_Molo_on_Ascension_Day_-_Google_Art_Project_(_AGPvVoUXqRRYw).jpg (5856x3234)
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Keywords: Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal) - The Bucintoro at the Molo on Ascension Day - Google Art Project ( AGPvVoUXqRRYw).jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title The Bucintoro at the Molo on Ascension Day core date dateCreated 1759/1761 core format w1018 x h583 cm core type Painting core format medium Oil art artist_date 1697/1768 c-00d8f41a customtext work_nationality Italian c-00d8f41a customtext support Canvas c-00d8f41a customtext provenance An old label on the back has '51- from the collection of Mr illegible- sold in Manchester 1838 or 6'; gift of H Yates Thompson 1915 c-00d8f41a customtext inscriptions On the back of the canvas 'Io Antonio Canal detto il Canalletto sic fecit - 1760' c-00d8f41a customtext acquisition_method Yates Thompson Henry Gift 1919 c-00d8f41a creator artist Canaletto Giovanni Antonio Canal google display_date 1759/1761 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 0000000000d8f41a google partner/name Dulwich Picture Gallery google picasa_token Dvlc_iBJgyUyVrPGQ5_xap5EM7I special url_id _AGPvVoUXqRRYw special partner/name_no_lang Dulwich Picture Gallery PD-old-100-1923 Google Art Project works by Giovanni Antonio Canal il Canaletto Dulwich Picture Gallery Google Art Project works in Dulwich Picture Gallery Giovanni Antonio Canal il Canaletto
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