Keywords: Caza muerta y una cesta, de Ginés Andrés de Aguirre (Museo del Prado).jpg Artwork Siglo XVIII oil on canvas Size cm 136 98 Institution Museo del Prado Depositado en el Institution San Telmo Museoa https //www museodelprado es/coleccion/obra-de-arte/caza-muerta-y-una-cesta/2b47b9a6-e83d-450e-b9dd-b7f94d35ebc4 accession number P04143 https //content cdnprado net/imagenes/Documentos/imgsem/2b/2b47/2b47b9a6-e83d-450e-b9dd-b7f94d35ebc4/c3b697eb-6d5f-42b5-bd11-c8c12d2579f9 jpg PD-old-100 18th-century still-life paintings Paintings by Ginés Andrés de Aguirre in the Prado Museum Spanish 18th-century paintings in the Museo del Prado Paintings in the San Telmo Museoa |