Keywords: CentropsarMirusSmit.jpg of the bird Centropsar mirus by Philip Lutley Sclater in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London of 1874 Sclater later found that the type specimen was a made-up specimen a finding he announced to a meeting of the Zoological Society on 1 June the next year http //digicoll library wisc edu/cgi-bin/HistSciTech/HistSciTech-idx type article did HistSciTech Nature18750610 i0013 id HistSciTech Nature18750610 isize M Nature of 10 June reports on this meeting Mr Sclater exhibited the typical specimen of his Centropsar mirus P Z S 1874 p 175 Pl xxvi and stated that on a more careful examination of it he had come to the conclusion that it was a made-up skin Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1874 http //www archive org/stream/proceedingsofgen74zool page/n251/mode/1up web 1874 Creator Joseph Smit pd-old-70 Joseph Smit PZSL 1874 unidentified species Rogue taxidermy |