Keywords: Champaigne, Philippe de - Saint Augustin - 1645-1650.jpg Artwork Creator Philippe de Champaigne Saint Augustine alternate title ~ 1645 1650 Oil on canvas cm 78 7 62 2 Institution LACMA Ahmanson Building 3 place of discovery object history exhibition history credit line Gift of The Ahmanson Foundation accession number M 88 177 place of creation http //bp3 blogger com/_hOqI9H5CI-Y/Rd09qAhwQHI/AAAAAAAAAQM/qAeWSYW42rs/s1600-h/M88_177 jpg Saint Augustine by Philippe de Champaigne jpg Champaigne Philippe de - Saint Augustin - 1645-1650 jpg Philippe de Champaigne - Saint Augustine - LACMA - with frame JPG Philippe de Champaigne - Saint Augustine - LACMA - without frame jpg s not authoritative Augustine is seen crushing a scroll and books under his feet on the floor On the buckle to his ornate cloak or bishop ™s vestment is an image of Christ St Augustine holds a burning heart in his left hand It might depict the Sacred Heart of Jesus or Augustine's own heart in echo of the Scripture passage concerning the Road to Emmaus event Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked with us by the way and opened up the Scriptures The flames of the burning heart are directed toward Augustine ™s head as if impacting his mind as he writes with the mind of Christ as Saint Paul bids us At the upper left of the painting is a brilliant golden glow with beams radiating toward him with the word Veritas emblazoned on it signifying God and Jesus who said I am the Light of the world; I am the Truth Adapted from Leona Choy's book LIVING THE TREASURES IN THE LAND OF MORE published 2012 http //leonachoy blogspot ch/2012/08/my-writer-friend-saint-augustine html Augustine holds a flaming heart symbol of his ardent desire to unlock the mysteries of knowledge and wisdom Augustine steps on overturned books holds a quill in one hand and gazes toward a vision of the word veritas or truth http //wtfarthistory com/post/17657560414/i-found-my-heart-at-lacma /wtfarthistory com/ PD-old-100 Saint Augustine Philippe de Champaigne Uploads by Mattes from external sources |