Keywords: ChandrasekharLimitGraph ca.svg ca Gràfic que representa el radi en radis solars estàndards contra la massa en masses solars estàndards per a un model d'estrella nana blanca que consisteix en un gas de Fermi fred La corba blava mostra un model relativista i la corba verda d'un model relativista El pes molecular per electró s'ha dut a ser 2 M <sub>Ch</sub> indica el límit de massa de Chandrasekhar en Graph plotting the radius in standard solar radii against the mass in standard solar masses for a model white dwarf star consisting of a cold Fermi gas The blue curve shows a nonrelativistic model and the green curve a relativistic model The molecular weight per electron has been taken to be 2 M<sub>Ch</sub> denotes the Chandrasekhar mass limit de Englischsprachige Version eines Graphen der den Radius in Standard-Sonnenradien eines beispielhaften aus kaltem Fermigas bestehenden weißen Zwerges in Relation zur Masse in Standard Sonnenmassen setzt Für das Molekulargewicht pro Elektron wird der Wert 2 angenommen fr Relation rayon-masse pour une naine blanche modèle ru Зависимость « асса адиус» для белого ка лика модель вы ожденного Фе ми-газа The Highly Collapsed Configurations of a Stellar Mass second paper S Chandrasekhar Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 95 1935 pp 207 225 17-I-2007; revised 25-IX-2007 20-V-2008 vectorised 12 46 3 February 2010 UTC WhiteDwarf_mass-radius jpg AllenMcC AllenMcC vectorisation by chris 論 ChandrasekharLimitGraph sv svg ---- <gallery widths 192px > File ChandrasekharLimitGraph png Original pixel version File ChandrasekharLimitGraph_de svg German translation File WhiteDwarf mass-radius en svg Another independent vectorization </gallery> Custom license marker 2013 11 03 Uploaded with UploadWizard Stellar evolution White dwarfs Plots involving mass Plots involving size |