Keywords: Children's Concert by George Iakovidis.jpg Artwork creator Georgios Jakobides 1894 oil canvas cm 176 250 National Gallery of Greece 1 Transferred from http //el wikipedia org el wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User MARKELLOS using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/>2 http //stontoixo gr/p/627/paidiki-synaylia-iakovidis-ellines-zografoi-paidi-moysiko-organo-greek-painters-child-music stontoixo gr 100px PD-old-auto-1923 1932 Original upload log page el wikipedia Iakovidis_georgios_paidiki_synaulia jpeg 2006-01-13 17 58 Flashdart2 640433 127598 bytes <nowiki>Γεώργιος Ιακωβίδης Παιδική Συναυλία 1894 Λάδι σε μουσαμά 176 εκ x 250 εκ Εθνική Πινακοθήκη της Ελλάδας - ουσείο Αλεξάνδρου Σούτσου ΧΠ�</nowiki> DEFAULTSORT Georgios Jakobides; Children's Concert; National Gallery of Greece Georgios Jakobides Paintings in the National Gallery of Greece Group paintings of children 19th-century paintings of musicians 1880s paintings 19th-century paintings location missing Child musicians in art 1890 People in rooms in art Watering cans in art Paintings of boys playing musical instruments |