Keywords: Collage War in Afghanistan.jpg Canadian soldiers from 3PPCLI move into the hills to search for Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters after an air assault onto an objective north of Qualat Afghanistan The soldiers are participating in Operation Cherokee Sky in support of Operation Enduring Freedom Photo by Staff Sgt Robert Hyatt USA July 2002 http //www defendamerica mil/images/photos/jul2002/pi071902a1 jpg source Original caption <blockquote>An Anti-Taliban Forces ATF fighter wraps a bandolier of ammunition for his 7 62mm PK Kalashnikov machine gun around his body as ATF personnel help secure a compound in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM </blockquote> French soldiers from the 27ème bataillon de chasseurs alpins and French Task Force Tiger patrol the many valleys of Kapisa province Afghanistan April 21 2009 Canadian_soldiers_afghanistan jpg Northernalliance2002_crop jpg French_Marines_Afghanistan JPG US_10th_Mountain_Division_soldiers_in_Afghanistan jpg 2010-07-19 07 01 UTC Canadian_soldiers_afghanistan jpg Jkelly Northernalliance2002_crop jpg Phc Johnny Bivera USN French_Marines_Afghanistan JPG Maj Patrick Simo Original uploader was Koalorka at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia US_10th_Mountain_Division_soldiers_in_Afghanistan jpg Duffman derivative work Dr Claudio <span class signature-talk >talk</span> Original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File Canadian_soldiers_afghanistan jpg licensed with PD-USGov-Military 2006-04-05T05 33 14Z Jkelly 500x328 60321 Bytes <nowiki>Canadian soldiers from 3PPCLI move into the hills to search for Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters after an air assault onto an objective north of Qualat Afghanistan The soldiers are participating in Operation Cherokee Sky in su</nowiki> File Northernalliance2002_crop jpg licensed with PD-USGov-Military-Navy 2008-03-22T08 02 44Z Movieevery 1312x1200 350917 Bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2008-03-22T07 57 46Z Movieevery 1312x1200 439633 Bytes <nowiki> Original caption An Anti-Taliban Forces ATF fighter wraps a bandolier of ammunition for his 7 62mm PK Kalashinkov machine gun around his body as ATF personnel help secure a compound in the Helman</nowiki> File French_Marines_Afghanistan JPG licensed with PD-USGov-Military 2010-04-21T12 31 41Z Sanandros 6171x4106 2365817 Bytes <nowiki> French soldiers from the 27th Alpine Rangers Battalion and French Task Force Tiger patrol the many valleys of Kapisa province Afghanistan April 21 2009 Transferred from http //en</nowiki> File US_10th_Mountain_Division_soldiers_in_Afghanistan jpg licensed with PD-USGov 2005-12-17T22 05 20Z Duffman 2064x1504 522033 Bytes <nowiki>Soldiers quickly march to the ramp of the CH-47 Chinook helicopter that will return them to Kandahar Army Air Field on Sept 4 2003 The Soldiers were searching in Daychopan Province Afghanistan for Taliban fighters and ill</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX War in Afghanistan 2001-present Collage Montages of war |