Keywords: Doll Massimo Inv168191 remade.jpg Doll Coloured ivory Roman work second half of the 2nd century CE From the sarcophagus of the Grottarossa mummy Via Cassia Km 11 Poupée Ivoire coloré œuvre romaine deuxième moitié du IIe siècle ap J -C Provenance sarcophage de la momie de Grottarossa Km 11 de la via Cassia Museum Palazzo Massimo Basement object history credit line accession number Inv 168191 lamiot from Jastrow 2006 other versions <gallery> Image Doll_Massimo_Inv168191 jpg </gallery> Ancient dolls Ancient Roman ivory Roman antiquities in the Palazzo Massimo alle Terme 2nd-century art Ancient Roman toys |