Keywords: Finite element method 1D illustration2.png Finite_element_method_1D_illustration2 svg en wikipedia Maksim page en wikipedia Source code <pre> <nowiki> function main draw an illustration for finite element method prepare the scrreen and define some parameters clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; fontsize 30; thick_line 3; thin_line 2; black 0 0 0; red 1 0 0; blue 0 0 1; arrowsize 0 1; arrow_type 1; arrow_angle 20; angle in degrees circrad 0 01; radius of ball showing up in places a 0; b 1; interval endpoints X a 0 01 b; f inline '2 x 1-x 1 1' ; Y f X ; the function h 0 2; Xh a h b; Yh f Xh ; the linear approximation x and y axes arrow a-0 2 0 b+0 2 0 thin_line arrowsize arrow_angle arrow_type black arrow -0 15 -0 05 -0 15 1 5 max Y thin_line arrowsize arrow_angle arrow_type black plot the graphs plot Xh Yh 'linewidth' thick_line 'color' red place some dashed lines height 0 6; for i 2 length Xh -1 plot Xh i Xh i 0 height 'linewidth' thin_line 'linestyle' '--' 'color' 'black' ; end plot the basis functions for i 2 length Xh -1 plot Xh i-1 Xh i Xh i+1 0 height 0 'linewidth' thick_line 'color' blue ; end some balls for beauty ball a 0 circrad black ; ball b 0 circrad black ; for i 2 length Xh -1 ball Xh i 0 circrad black ; end place text tiny 0 07; H text a+0 05 -tiny 'x_0 0' ; set H 'fontsize' fontsize 'HorizontalAlignment' 'r' 'VerticalAlignment' 'top' ; H text b-0 05 -tiny 'x_5 1' ; set H 'fontsize' fontsize 'HorizontalAlignment' 'l' 'VerticalAlignment' 'top' ; for i 2 length Xh -1 H text Xh i -tiny sprintf 'x_ d' i-1 ; set H 'fontsize' fontsize 'HorizontalAlignment' 'c' 'VerticalAlignment' 'top' ; end saveas gcf 'Finite_element_method_1D_illustration2 eps' 'psc2' export to eps function ball x y r color Theta 0 0 1 2 pi; X r cos Theta +x; Y r sin Theta +y; H fill X Y color ; set H 'EdgeColor' 'none' ; function arrow start stop thickness arrow_size sharpness arrow_type color Function arguments start stop start and end coordinates of arrow vectors of size 2 thickness thickness of arrow stick arrow_size the size of the two sides of the angle in this picture -> sharpness angle between the arrow stick and arrow side in degrees arrow_type 1 for filled arrow otherwise the arrow will be just two segments color arrow color a vector of length three with values in 0 1 convert to complex numbers i sqrt -1 ; start start 1 +i start 2 ; stop stop 1 +i stop 2 ; rotate_angle exp i pi sharpness/180 ; points making up the arrow tip besides the stop point point1 stop - arrow_size rotate_angle stop-start /abs stop-start ; point2 stop - arrow_size/rotate_angle stop-start /abs stop-start ; if arrow_type 1 filled arrow plot the stick but not till the end looks bad t 0 5 arrow_size cos pi sharpness/180 /abs stop-start ; stop1 t start+ 1-t stop; plot real start stop1 imag start stop1 'LineWidth' thickness 'Color' color ; fill the arrow H fill real stop point1 point2 imag stop point1 point2 color ; set H 'EdgeColor' 'none' else two-segment arrow plot real start stop imag start stop 'LineWidth' thickness 'Color' color ; plot real stop point1 imag stop point1 'LineWidth' thickness 'Color' color ; plot real stop point2 imag stop point2 'LineWidth' thickness 'Color' color ; end </nowiki> </pre> 1 date/time username edit summary ---- 01 53 29 December 2005 en User Oleg Alexandrov <nowiki> +source code </nowiki> ---- 01 33 29 December 2005 en User Oleg Alexandrov <nowiki></nowiki> Original upload log Legend cur this is the current file del delete this old version rev revert to this old version Click on date to download the file or see the image uploaded on that date del cur 01 52 29 December 2005 en User Oleg_Alexandrov Oleg Alexandrov en User_talk Oleg_Alexandrov Talk 1002x651 55849 bytes del rev 01 48 29 December 2005 en User Oleg_Alexandrov Oleg Alexandrov en User_talk Oleg_Alexandrov Talk 1002x651 56206 bytes del rev 01 44 29 December 2005 en User Oleg_Alexandrov Oleg Alexandrov en User_talk Oleg_Alexandrov Talk 1002x651 56293 bytes del rev 01 33 29 December 2005 en User Oleg_Alexandrov Oleg Alexandrov en User_talk Oleg_Alexandrov Talk 1002x636 66546 bytes Continuum mechanics Files by User Oleg Alexandrov from en wikipedia Finite element modelling Basis functions Images with Matlab source code |