Keywords: Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Cycle - Google Art Project.jpg <gallery> File Tibetan Central Tibet Tsang Ngor Monastery Sakya order - Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series - Google Art Project jpg </gallery> 464096 Unknown /collection/rubin-museum-of-art/artwork/four-mandalas-of-the-vajravali-cycle-unknown/717666/ author /collection/rubin-museum-of-art/ Rubin Museum of Art 342005 http //www rmanyc org/ 1/26/2012 9 56 39 AM /collection/rubin-museum-of-art/artwork/four-mandalas-of-the-vajravali-cycle-unknown/717666/ 1401 1 15th century 1 Pigments on cloth 920 75 717666 False 1500 31 15th century 12 complete 3/24/2012 9 48 07 AM C2007 6 1 Rubin Museum of Art C2007 6 1 Painting 1400 1510 w742 x h920 in 15th century False 0 853515625 Object four-mandalas-of-the-vajravali-cycle-unknown Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Cycle f 742 95 RMA Masterworks Jewels of the Collection 01/25/12 - 01/14/13 Rotation 2<br />RMA The Nepalese Legacy in Tibetan Painting 09/03/10 - 05/23/11 <br />RMA Mandala The Perfect Circle 08/14/09 - 01/11/10 <br />RMA From the Land of the Gods Art of the Kathmandu Valley 03/14/08 - 02/09/09 <br />Berkeley Art Museum Berkeley CA Mandala The Architecture of Enlightenment 07/19/00 - 09/17/00 <br />Asia Society New York NY Mandala The Architecture of Enlightenment 09/24/97 - 01/04/98 Pigments on cloth special url_id uAGJnjfxIqkcXg PD-old-100 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Tibetan art in the Rubin Museum of Art Mandala thangka from Tibet 15th-century paintings from Tibet Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series |