Keywords: nps ccrp climate change climatechange global warming globalwarming superbowl acadia great horned owl outdoor animal Yesterday we shared a story of a Superb Owl loss; today we have a win. In Acadia National Park, models suggest that our changing climate will reduce habitat for some bird species, but expand it for others. One Superb Owl winner is the great horned owl: although today it has no suitable habitat in Acadia, there could be a large increase by 2100 under some greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. You can download the entire report [PDF] or just enjoy this photo of a baby, taken on the Schoodic Peninsula in Acadia. (Either way, it’ll be well worth your time.) NPS photo. Yesterday we shared a story of a Superb Owl loss; today we have a win. In Acadia National Park, models suggest that our changing climate will reduce habitat for some bird species, but expand it for others. One Superb Owl winner is the great horned owl: although today it has no suitable habitat in Acadia, there could be a large increase by 2100 under some greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. You can download the entire report [PDF] or just enjoy this photo of a baby, taken on the Schoodic Peninsula in Acadia. (Either way, it’ll be well worth your time.) NPS photo. |