Keywords: Haeckel Chaetopoda-edit.jpg See http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_096_300 html here for index to numbers Sabella spectabilis <small> Grube </small> Sabellastarte spectabilis <small> Grube 1878 </small> Serpula contortuplicata <small> Linné </small> Hydroides norvegicus <small>Gunnerus 1768</small> Spirographis spallanzanii <small> Viviani </small> Sabella spallanzanii <small> Gmelin 1791 </small> Terebella emmalina <small> Quatrefages </small> Pista cretacea <small> Grube 1860 </small> Eunice magnifica <small> Quatrefages </small> Eunice magnifica <small>Grube 1866</small> Hermione hystricella <small> Quatrefages </small> Hermione hystricella <small>Milne-Edwards in Cuvier 1836</small> Cloëia euglochis <small> Ehlers </small> Chloeia viridis <small>Schmarda 1861</small> Kunstformen der Natur 1904 plate 96 Chaetopoda see http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_096_300 html here http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_096_text_1_200 html here and http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_096_text_2_200 html here creator Ernst Haeckel 1904 PD-old <gallery>File Haeckel Chaetopoda jpg Original scan</gallery> Assessments 1 Kunstformen der Natur 1904 Polychaeta in art Sabellastarte spectabilis Hydroides norvegicus Pista cretacea Sabella spallanzanii Eunice magnifica Hermione hystricella Chloeia viridis Featured pictures of animals |