Keywords: bookid:s7annalsmagazine17londuoft bookids7annalsmagazine17londuoft bookyear:1838 bookyear1838 bookdecade:1830 bookdecade1830 bookcentury:1800 bookcentury1800 booksubject:natural_history booksubjectnaturalhistory bookpublisher:london___taylor___francis bookpublisherlondontaylorfrancis bookcontributor:gerstein___university_of_toronto bookcontributorgersteinuniversityoftoronto booksponsor:university_of_toronto booksponsoruniversityoftoronto bookleafnumber:482 bookleafnumber482 bookcollection:toronto bookcollectiontoronto bhl collection bhlcollection sketch drawing cartoon illustration indoor monochrome writing text bookid:s7annalsmagazine17londuoft bookids7annalsmagazine17londuoft bookyear:1838 bookyear1838 bookdecade:1830 bookdecade1830 bookcentury:1800 bookcentury1800 booksubject:natural_history booksubjectnaturalhistory bookpublisher:london___taylor___francis bookpublisherlondontaylorfrancis bookcontributor:gerstein___university_of_toronto bookcontributorgersteinuniversityoftoronto booksponsor:university_of_toronto booksponsoruniversityoftoronto bookleafnumber:482 bookleafnumber482 bookcollection:toronto bookcollectiontoronto bhl collection bhlcollection sketch drawing cartoon illustration indoor monochrome writing text bookid:s7annalsmagazine17londuoft bookids7annalsmagazine17londuoft bookyear:1838 bookyear1838 bookdecade:1830 bookdecade1830 bookcentury:1800 bookcentury1800 booksubject:natural_history booksubjectnaturalhistory bookpublisher:london___taylor___francis bookpublisherlondontaylorfrancis bookcontributor:gerstein___university_of_toronto bookcontributorgersteinuniversityoftoronto booksponsor:university_of_toronto booksponsoruniversityoftoronto bookleafnumber:482 bookleafnumber482 bookcollection:toronto bookcollectiontoronto bhl collection bhlcollection sketch drawing cartoon illustration indoor monochrome writing text bookid:s7annalsmagazine17londuoft bookids7annalsmagazine17londuoft bookyear:1838 bookyear1838 bookdecade:1830 bookdecade1830 bookcentury:1800 bookcentury1800 booksubject:natural_history booksubjectnaturalhistory bookpublisher:london___taylor___francis bookpublisherlondontaylorfrancis bookcontributor:gerstein___university_of_toronto bookcontributorgersteinuniversityoftoronto booksponsor:university_of_toronto booksponsoruniversityoftoronto bookleafnumber:482 bookleafnumber482 bookcollection:toronto bookcollectiontoronto bhl collection bhlcollection sketch drawing cartoon illustration indoor monochrome writing text Identifier: s7annalsmagazine17londuoft Title: The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology Year: 1838 (1830s) Authors: Subjects: Natural history Publisher: London : Taylor &amp; Francis Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: length. The section passes to one side of thestomodaeum. above, and the mesogloea of the latter is continued down thecentre as a kind of supporting axis; the other two are hereshown free from the disk, though in other sections the con-tinuity is shown. Fig. 2 represents a section through thestomoda?ura of another polyp; here the single downgrowthto the lett clearly corresponds in position with the normaltentacular upgrowth to the right and is much longer. Morpliulogy of the Madreporarii. 4Gi) The transverse section dcpicttiJ in fi^. 3 proves that thethree or&lt;^ans occur at what is known as the dorsal border ofthe polyp, one being within tlie dorsal directive entocojle andone within the cxocccle on each side of the directive entocoehi,cxac:ly as described by Krcnipf for the lied Sea Pocillopora.In sections of some polyps they occupy nearly the entiremesenterial chamber, while in others they are so enlarged asto result in disturbances of the mesenteries by pressing u{)ontheai. Fig. 2. Text Appearing After Image: Vertical section through a polyp. The section pass\s through thostomotlauni, and includes a retracted normal tentacle on the rightand a luoditied invaginated tentacle on tlie left. An examination of a large number of pol^ps reveals thatthe dowiigrowths are not always three in number; sometimesthere are only two, and in other instances only one, but nevermore than three occur. In the polyp represented in sectionby tig. 4 only one downgrowth is present, situated in theexocade to the right of the dorsal directive entocoele. Thepolyp is moi*e retracted than that from which tig. 3 was taken,and the intrusion disturbs the regularity of form of themesenteries and stomocheum. As noticed by Krenipf, the modification occurs in oidy alimited number of the many poly[)s making up a colony; the * There is possibly some confusion as regards the terms dorsal andYi-ntral. Krenipf states that the media;) organ in Jucino/wra occurswithin the ventral directive chaniher, whereas in the Hawaiian specimensi Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: s7annalsmagazine17londuoft Title: The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology Year: 1838 (1830s) Authors: Subjects: Natural history Publisher: London : Taylor & Francis Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: length. The section passes to one side of thestomodaeum. above, and the mesogloea of the latter is continued down thecentre as a kind of supporting axis; the other two are hereshown free from the disk, though in other sections the con-tinuity is shown. Fig. 2 represents a section through thestomoda?ura of another polyp; here the single downgrowthto the lett clearly corresponds in position with the normaltentacular upgrowth to the right and is much longer. Morpliulogy of the Madreporarii. 4Gi) The transverse section dcpicttiJ in fi^. 3 proves that thethree or<^ans occur at what is known as the dorsal border ofthe polyp, one being within tlie dorsal directive entocojle andone within the cxocccle on each side of the directive entocoehi,cxac:ly as described by Krcnipf for the lied Sea Pocillopora.In sections of some polyps they occupy nearly the entiremesenterial chamber, while in others they are so enlarged asto result in disturbances of the mesenteries by pressing u{)ontheai. Fig. 2. Text Appearing After Image: Vertical section through a polyp. The section pass\s through thostomotlauni, and includes a retracted normal tentacle on the rightand a luoditied invaginated tentacle on tlie left. An examination of a large number of pol^ps reveals thatthe dowiigrowths are not always three in number; sometimesthere are only two, and in other instances only one, but nevermore than three occur. In the polyp represented in sectionby tig. 4 only one downgrowth is present, situated in theexocade to the right of the dorsal directive entocoele. Thepolyp is moi*e retracted than that from which tig. 3 was taken,and the intrusion disturbs the regularity of form of themesenteries and stomocheum. As noticed by Krenipf, the modification occurs in oidy alimited number of the many poly[)s making up a colony; the * There is possibly some confusion as regards the terms dorsal andYi-ntral. Krenipf states that the media;) organ in Jucino/wra occurswithin the ventral directive chaniher, whereas in the Hawaiian specimensi Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: s7annalsmagazine17londuoft Title: The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology Year: 1838 (1830s) Authors: Subjects: Natural history Publisher: London : Taylor &amp; Francis Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: length. The section passes to one side of thestomodaeum. above, and the mesogloea of the latter is continued down thecentre as a kind of supporting axis; the other two are hereshown free from the disk, though in other sections the con-tinuity is shown. Fig. 2 represents a section through thestomoda?ura of another polyp; here the single downgrowthto the lett clearly corresponds in position with the normaltentacular upgrowth to the right and is much longer. Morpliulogy of the Madreporarii. 4Gi) The transverse section dcpicttiJ in fi^. 3 proves that thethree or&lt;^ans occur at what is known as the dorsal border ofthe polyp, one being within tlie dorsal directive entocojle andone within the cxocccle on each side of the directive entocoehi,cxac:ly as described by Krcnipf for the lied Sea Pocillopora.In sections of some polyps they occupy nearly the entiremesenterial chamber, while in others they are so enlarged asto result in disturbances of the mesenteries by pressing u{)ontheai. Fig. 2. Text Appearing After Image: Vertical section through a polyp. The section pass\s through thostomotlauni, and includes a retracted normal tentacle on the rightand a luoditied invaginated tentacle on tlie left. An examination of a large number of pol^ps reveals thatthe dowiigrowths are not always three in number; sometimesthere are only two, and in other instances only one, but nevermore than three occur. In the polyp represented in sectionby tig. 4 only one downgrowth is present, situated in theexocade to the right of the dorsal directive entocoele. Thepolyp is moi*e retracted than that from which tig. 3 was taken,and the intrusion disturbs the regularity of form of themesenteries and stomocheum. As noticed by Krenipf, the modification occurs in oidy alimited number of the many poly[)s making up a colony; the * There is possibly some confusion as regards the terms dorsal andYi-ntral. Krenipf states that the media;) organ in Jucino/wra occurswithin the ventral directive chaniher, whereas in the Hawaiian specimensi Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: s7annalsmagazine17londuoft Title: The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology Year: 1838 (1830s) Authors: Subjects: Natural history Publisher: London : Taylor & Francis Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: length. The section passes to one side of thestomodaeum. above, and the mesogloea of the latter is continued down thecentre as a kind of supporting axis; the other two are hereshown free from the disk, though in other sections the con-tinuity is shown. Fig. 2 represents a section through thestomoda?ura of another polyp; here the single downgrowthto the lett clearly corresponds in position with the normaltentacular upgrowth to the right and is much longer. Morpliulogy of the Madreporarii. 4Gi) The transverse section dcpicttiJ in fi^. 3 proves that thethree or<^ans occur at what is known as the dorsal border ofthe polyp, one being within tlie dorsal directive entocojle andone within the cxocccle on each side of the directive entocoehi,cxac:ly as described by Krcnipf for the lied Sea Pocillopora.In sections of some polyps they occupy nearly the entiremesenterial chamber, while in others they are so enlarged asto result in disturbances of the mesenteries by pressing u{)ontheai. Fig. 2. Text Appearing After Image: Vertical section through a polyp. The section pass\s through thostomotlauni, and includes a retracted normal tentacle on the rightand a luoditied invaginated tentacle on tlie left. An examination of a large number of pol^ps reveals thatthe dowiigrowths are not always three in number; sometimesthere are only two, and in other instances only one, but nevermore than three occur. In the polyp represented in sectionby tig. 4 only one downgrowth is present, situated in theexocade to the right of the dorsal directive entocoele. Thepolyp is moi*e retracted than that from which tig. 3 was taken,and the intrusion disturbs the regularity of form of themesenteries and stomocheum. As noticed by Krenipf, the modification occurs in oidy alimited number of the many poly[)s making up a colony; the * There is possibly some confusion as regards the terms dorsal andYi-ntral. Krenipf states that the media;) organ in Jucino/wra occurswithin the ventral directive chaniher, whereas in the Hawaiian specimensi Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: s7annalsmagazine17londuoft Title: The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology Year: 1838 (1830s) Authors: Subjects: Natural history Publisher: London : Taylor &amp; Francis Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: length. The section passes to one side of thestomodaeum. above, and the mesogloea of the latter is continued down thecentre as a kind of supporting axis; the other two are hereshown free from the disk, though in other sections the con-tinuity is shown. Fig. 2 represents a section through thestomoda?ura of another polyp; here the single downgrowthto the lett clearly corresponds in position with the normaltentacular upgrowth to the right and is much longer. Morpliulogy of the Madreporarii. 4Gi) The transverse section dcpicttiJ in fi^. 3 proves that thethree or&lt;^ans occur at what is known as the dorsal border ofthe polyp, one being within tlie dorsal directive entocojle andone within the cxocccle on each side of the directive entocoehi,cxac:ly as described by Krcnipf for the lied Sea Pocillopora.In sections of some polyps they occupy nearly the entiremesenterial chamber, while in others they are so enlarged asto result in disturbances of the mesenteries by pressing u{)ontheai. Fig. 2. Text Appearing After Image: Vertical section through a polyp. The section pass\s through thostomotlauni, and includes a retracted normal tentacle on the rightand a luoditied invaginated tentacle on tlie left. An examination of a large number of pol^ps reveals thatthe dowiigrowths are not always three in number; sometimesthere are only two, and in other instances only one, but nevermore than three occur. In the polyp represented in sectionby tig. 4 only one downgrowth is present, situated in theexocade to the right of the dorsal directive entocoele. Thepolyp is moi*e retracted than that from which tig. 3 was taken,and the intrusion disturbs the regularity of form of themesenteries and stomocheum. As noticed by Krenipf, the modification occurs in oidy alimited number of the many poly[)s making up a colony; the * There is possibly some confusion as regards the terms dorsal andYi-ntral. Krenipf states that the media;) organ in Jucino/wra occurswithin the ventral directive chaniher, whereas in the Hawaiian specimensi Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: s7annalsmagazine17londuoft Title: The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology Year: 1838 (1830s) Authors: Subjects: Natural history Publisher: London : Taylor & Francis Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: length. The section passes to one side of thestomodaeum. above, and the mesogloea of the latter is continued down thecentre as a kind of supporting axis; the other two are hereshown free from the disk, though in other sections the con-tinuity is shown. Fig. 2 represents a section through thestomoda?ura of another polyp; here the single downgrowthto the lett clearly corresponds in position with the normaltentacular upgrowth to the right and is much longer. Morpliulogy of the Madreporarii. 4Gi) The transverse section dcpicttiJ in fi^. 3 proves that thethree or<^ans occur at what is known as the dorsal border ofthe polyp, one being within tlie dorsal directive entocojle andone within the cxocccle on each side of the directive entocoehi,cxac:ly as described by Krcnipf for the lied Sea Pocillopora.In sections of some polyps they occupy nearly the entiremesenterial chamber, while in others they are so enlarged asto result in disturbances of the mesenteries by pressing u{)ontheai. Fig. 2. Text Appearing After Image: Vertical section through a polyp. The section pass\s through thostomotlauni, and includes a retracted normal tentacle on the rightand a luoditied invaginated tentacle on tlie left. An examination of a large number of pol^ps reveals thatthe dowiigrowths are not always three in number; sometimesthere are only two, and in other instances only one, but nevermore than three occur. In the polyp represented in sectionby tig. 4 only one downgrowth is present, situated in theexocade to the right of the dorsal directive entocoele. Thepolyp is moi*e retracted than that from which tig. 3 was taken,and the intrusion disturbs the regularity of form of themesenteries and stomocheum. As noticed by Krenipf, the modification occurs in oidy alimited number of the many poly[)s making up a colony; the * There is possibly some confusion as regards the terms dorsal andYi-ntral. Krenipf states that the media;) organ in Jucino/wra occurswithin the ventral directive chaniher, whereas in the Hawaiian specimensi Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: s7annalsmagazine17londuoft Title: The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology Year: 1838 (1830s) Authors: Subjects: Natural history Publisher: London : Taylor &amp; Francis Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: length. The section passes to one side of thestomodaeum. above, and the mesogloea of the latter is continued down thecentre as a kind of supporting axis; the other two are hereshown free from the disk, though in other sections the con-tinuity is shown. Fig. 2 represents a section through thestomoda?ura of another polyp; here the single downgrowthto the lett clearly corresponds in position with the normaltentacular upgrowth to the right and is much longer. Morpliulogy of the Madreporarii. 4Gi) The transverse section dcpicttiJ in fi^. 3 proves that thethree or&lt;^ans occur at what is known as the dorsal border ofthe polyp, one being within tlie dorsal directive entocojle andone within the cxocccle on each side of the directive entocoehi,cxac:ly as described by Krcnipf for the lied Sea Pocillopora.In sections of some polyps they occupy nearly the entiremesenterial chamber, while in others they are so enlarged asto result in disturbances of the mesenteries by pressing u{)ontheai. Fig. 2. Text Appearing After Image: Vertical section through a polyp. The section pass\s through thostomotlauni, and includes a retracted normal tentacle on the rightand a luoditied invaginated tentacle on tlie left. An examination of a large number of pol^ps reveals thatthe dowiigrowths are not always three in number; sometimesthere are only two, and in other instances only one, but nevermore than three occur. In the polyp represented in sectionby tig. 4 only one downgrowth is present, situated in theexocade to the right of the dorsal directive entocoele. Thepolyp is moi*e retracted than that from which tig. 3 was taken,and the intrusion disturbs the regularity of form of themesenteries and stomocheum. As noticed by Krenipf, the modification occurs in oidy alimited number of the many poly[)s making up a colony; the * There is possibly some confusion as regards the terms dorsal andYi-ntral. Krenipf states that the media;) organ in Jucino/wra occurswithin the ventral directive chaniher, whereas in the Hawaiian specimensi Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: s7annalsmagazine17londuoft Title: The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology Year: 1838 (1830s) Authors: Subjects: Natural history Publisher: London : Taylor & Francis Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: length. The section passes to one side of thestomodaeum. above, and the mesogloea of the latter is continued down thecentre as a kind of supporting axis; the other two are hereshown free from the disk, though in other sections the con-tinuity is shown. Fig. 2 represents a section through thestomoda?ura of another polyp; here the single downgrowthto the lett clearly corresponds in position with the normaltentacular upgrowth to the right and is much longer. Morpliulogy of the Madreporarii. 4Gi) The transverse section dcpicttiJ in fi^. 3 proves that thethree or<^ans occur at what is known as the dorsal border ofthe polyp, one being within tlie dorsal directive entocojle andone within the cxocccle on each side of the directive entocoehi,cxac:ly as described by Krcnipf for the lied Sea Pocillopora.In sections of some polyps they occupy nearly the entiremesenterial chamber, while in others they are so enlarged asto result in disturbances of the mesenteries by pressing u{)ontheai. Fig. 2. Text Appearing After Image: Vertical section through a polyp. The section pass\s through thostomotlauni, and includes a retracted normal tentacle on the rightand a luoditied invaginated tentacle on tlie left. An examination of a large number of pol^ps reveals thatthe dowiigrowths are not always three in number; sometimesthere are only two, and in other instances only one, but nevermore than three occur. In the polyp represented in sectionby tig. 4 only one downgrowth is present, situated in theexocade to the right of the dorsal directive entocoele. Thepolyp is moi*e retracted than that from which tig. 3 was taken,and the intrusion disturbs the regularity of form of themesenteries and stomocheum. As noticed by Krenipf, the modification occurs in oidy alimited number of the many poly[)s making up a colony; the * There is possibly some confusion as regards the terms dorsal andYi-ntral. Krenipf states that the media;) organ in Jucino/wra occurswithin the ventral directive chaniher, whereas in the Hawaiian specimensi Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. |