Keywords: Jacob Philipp Hackert - Ansicht von Montesarchio (1791).jpg Artwork Creator Jacob Philipp Hackert 1791 Oil on canvas size cm 65 1 88 8 Institution Hermitage Museum http //www hermitagemuseum org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage mac/descrPage selLang Russian indexClass PICTURE_RU Query_Exp WOA_AUTHOR+ 3D 3D+ 22 C5 D0 DA DA D5 E0 E2 2C+ CF DA DE D1+ C4 D8 DB D8 DF DF 22 PID GJ-10087 numView 1 ID_NUM 4 thumbFile 2Ftmplobs 2FS0ZZ0J6JOV_23OF34K6 jpg embViewVer noEmb comeFrom simil check false sorting WOA_AUTHOR 5EWOA_NAME thumbId 6 numResults 10 author C5 D0 DA DA D5 E0 E2 2C 26 2332 3B CF DA DE D1 26 2332 3B C4 D8 DB D8 DF DF langSwitch Госуда ственный Э митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg object history langSwitch Purchasing Commission of Experts of the State Hermitage Museum 1969 Экспе тно-закупочная комиссия ЭЗК Госуда ственного Э митажа 1969 credit line accession number http //www arthermitage org/Jakob-Philipp-Hackert/View-of-Montesarchio html arthermitage org PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Hackert Jacob Philipp; Landscape Italy 1785; Hermitage Paintings by Jacob Philipp Hackert German paintings in the Hermitage Montesarchio Landscape paintings of Italy Romana Campana 1790s landscape paintings 1791 paintings |