Keywords: Jaime de Marichalar, Duke of Lugo Coat of arms.png Escudo de Jaime de Marichalar como Duque de Lugo 1995-2010 En un campo de oro un árbol de sinople terrasado de lo mismo y a su tronco un lobo pasante de sable lampasado de gules Al timbre corona de duque y rodeado de la encomienda de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla Vectoriced from Image Corona de príncipe svg Image Escudo de Ultzama svg Image Escudo de Garai svg Image Blason Claude François Jannot de Moncey svg Image Escut de Mequinensa svg Image Escudo de Fustiñana svg Image Escudo de Felipe II svg and Image Arms of Queen Maria Luisa of Spain 1751-1819 png Information sources es icon http //blogdeheraldica blogspot com/2009/04/ordenes-y-condecoraciones-acoladas html Surrounded Orders and Decorations José Juan Carrión Rangel Blog de Heráldica http //www zazzle com/ 22marichalar+coat+of+arms 22+ 22marichalar+family+crest 22+gifts www zazzle Marichalar family arms image http //neva galeon com/escudo2_1 JPG Jaime de Marichalar arms version without ducal crown and order before his marriage http //www elmundo es/papel/hemeroteca/1995/01/22/7dias/24763 html www elmundo es Jaime de Marichalar member ot the Maestranza de Sevilla Order Duchess and Duke of Lugo wedding information In spanish http //www elmundo es/papel/hemeroteca/1996/11/10/cronica/178346 html www elmundo es Jaime de Marichalar member ot the Maestranza de Sevilla Order life of the Duchess and Duke of Lugo information In spanish http //www nobili es/index asp idp 2533 Novili es www nobili es Insignia of the Order of the Maestranza de Sevilla image http //www blasoneshispanos com/RealesMaestranzas/Sevilla/MaestSevilla htm www blasoneshispanos com Insignia of the Order of the Maestranza de Sevilla information In spanish Proof14 2008-11 Own work Coat of arms since 21 January 2010 60pxSVG Format File Coat of Arms of Jaime de Marichalar as Duke of Lugo 1995-2010 svg Coats of arms of Jaime de Marichalar 2 Wolves in heraldry Marichalar Trees in heraldry Marichalar Historical coats of arms of the Royal Consorts of Spain Images from Zazzle |