Keywords: Jakub Schikaneder - All Souls' Day.jpg Artwork creator Jakub Schikaneder Задушки День всех усопших ве� ных 1888 oil canvas cm 139 5 220 Institution Národní galerie v Praze O 5735 J Schikaneder 1888 signature and date bottom left <gallery>File Jakub Schikaneder - Na Dusicky 1888 jpg 1 469 × 930 pixels </gallery> Ophelia2 Artwork PD-old-80-1923 Photo Paintings in the Národní galerie v Praze Jakub Schikaneder 1888 paintings Paintings of cemeteries Files by User Ophelia2 19th-century funerals and mourning in painting Funeral wreaths in art All Souls' Day Zaduszki jesienne All Souls |