Keywords: John Wesley Jarvis - DeWitt Clinton - Google Art Project.jpg ~ 1816 oil on canvas 1781 1781 1840 1840 John 430332 Wesley Jarvis 1781 - 1840 /collection/national-portrait-gallery/artwork/dewitt-clinton-john-wesley-jarvis/392371/ John Wesley Jarvis /artist/john-wesley-jarvis/4129178/ 4129178 /collection/national-portrait-gallery/ National Portrait Gallery 340004 http //npg si edu/ 11/29/2011 9 53 20 PM /collection/national-portrait-gallery/artwork/dewitt-clinton-john-wesley-jarvis/392371/ 1810 c 1816 Painting True 1229 392371 True 1820 Stretcher 3/24/2012 12 34 20 AM NPG 65 53 http //npgportraits si edu/eMuseumNPG/code/emuseum asp rawsearch ObjectID/ /is/ /18060/ /false/ /false newprofile CAP newstyle single National Portrait Gallery Smithsonian Institution; transfer from the National Gallery of Art; gift of the A W Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust 1942 painting 1810 1830 w927 x h1229 x d25 cm c 1816 False 0 75390625 Object dewitt-clinton-john-wesley-jarvis DeWitt Clinton d 927 Painting special url_id SQHMXLQiXU-0Tg PD-old-100-1923 1840 John Wesley Jarvis Google Art Project works by John Wesley Jarvis DeWitt Clinton 19th-century portrait paintings in the National Portrait Gallery United States |