Keywords: Le maréchal Jourdan.jpg Artwork Eugène Charpentier 1811-1890 fr Le maréchal d'Empire Jean-Baptiste Jourdan posant aux côtés d'une pierre indiquant la route de Fleurus où il remporta sa plus grande victoire mid otherdate century 19 this copy ; < 1809 lost original Oil on canvas cm 215 140 Institution Versailles copie d'après un original de Vien commandé par Napoléon Ier pour la salle des maréchaux du palais des Tuileries à Paris détruit dans l'incendie de 1871 Maréchaux d'Empire Béatrice Capelle et Jean-Claude Demory E/P/A 2008 000PE004809 other versions <gallery>Jean-Baptiste comte Jourdan maréchal de France 1762-1833 jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 Custom license marker 2013 10 31 Eugène Charpentier Joseph-Marie Vien 19th-century portrait paintings in the Musée national du Château de Versailles 1809< Jean-Baptiste Jourdan 1809< 19th-century oil portraits of standing men at full length wearing military uniforms 1809< Badges of the Legion of Honour in portrait paintings 1809< Copies of portrait paintings Male black boots with spurs in portrait paintings 1809< Military uniforms of France Portrait paintings of men holding marshal's baton 1809< Portrait paintings of men holding swords 1809< Portrait paintings of men with bicorne hats 1809< Sash of the Legion of Honour in portrait paintings 1809< Star of the Legion of Honour in portrait paintings 1809< Stones in portrait paintings 1809< Uploaded with UploadWizard |