Keywords: Li Di - Red and White Cotton Roses - Google Art Project.jpg LargeImage Unknown Li 29343216 Di Unknown /collection/tokyo-national-museum/artwork/red-and-white-cotton-roses-li-di/29335199/ Li Di Creator /artist/niccol C3 B3-machiavelli/29371036/ 29371036 /collection/tokyo-national-museum/ Tokyo National Museum 359131 http //www tnm jp/ /collection/tokyo-national-museum/artwork/red-and-white-cotton-roses-li-di/29335199/ 1197 絹 色 Color on silk 25 2 29335199 False Each TA-137 http //www emuseum jp/detail/100216 Painting 1190 1200 w25 x h25 cm 1197 False 1 00986193293886 Object red-and-white-cotton-roses-li-di Red and White Cotton Roses r 25 5 迪筆 Color on silk Medium Japanese 絹 色 南宋時代・慶元3年 1197 紅白芙蓉図 special url_id bAFQ_-YXfFKRcg PD-old-100-1923 1197 Li Di Google Art Project works by Li Di Paintings of hibiscus |