MAKE A MEME View Large Image Linear-regression.svg en An example of linear regression Own Qef 2009-06-21 Designed to replace original bitmap version en File Linear-regression png Qef Gnuplot source Created with the following Gnuplot file <pre> set terminal svg font ...
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Keywords: Linear-regression.svg en An example of linear regression Own Qef 2009-06-21 Designed to replace original bitmap version en File Linear-regression png Qef Gnuplot source Created with the following Gnuplot file <pre> set terminal svg font Bitstream Vera Sans 24 set output Linear-regression svg set xrange 0 1 set yrange 2 6 set xzeroaxis linetype -1 set yzeroaxis linetype -1 set xtics border nomirror 0 5 set ytics border nomirror 2 set key off set border 15 set samples 2 duh straight line plot '-' with points pointtype 6 pointsize 1 5 linecolor 6 0 84018771715471 5 0920721752254 0 78309922375861 5 4993770054934 0 91164735793678 5 0219594480046 0 33522275571489 3 663139781769 0 27777471080319 3 2292176040979 0 47739705186216 4 0677809238643 0 36478447279184 3 5137723092023 0 95222972517471 6 3816035819077 0 6357117279599 4 7956233221396 0 1416025553558 2 7597376235082 0 01630057162433 2 0398219692681 0 13723157678602 2 9002851883054 0 15667908925408 2 6485946288034 0 12979044678146 2 3215484331961 0 99892451800356 5 3518979261186 0 5129323944044 4 4596524827421 0 61263983259566 4 1465031113153 0 63755226770302 4 5417962600388 e plot 3 7 x+2 15 with lines linewidth 3 linecolor 1 </pre> The actual data is just randomly choosen points along the line randomly displaced from it created with a small Lua program <pre> function f x return 3 7 x + 2 15 end for _ 1 18 do local x math random print x f x 0 85 + 0 3 math random end </pre> Linear regression Images with Gnuplot source code
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