Keywords: Louis Ducos du Hauron - Still life with rooster - Google Art Project.jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution George Eastman House commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title en untitled early color photograph still life with mounted rooster and parakeet core creator en Louis Ducos du Hauron core date dateCreated 1879 core location locationCreated en France Europe core format en w22 2 x h20 5 cm original transparency ; w19 8 x h16 4 cm copy print core type en Photograph core rights en George Eastman House Collections core format medium en color transparency three-color pigmented gelatin process original ; color print dye imbibition process circa 1982 copy print in the George Eastman House collection shown here art artist_birth_place en Langon France art artist_date 1837 “1920 art artist_death_place en Agen France art artist_nationality en French c-06dbcf53 customtext place_part_of en Europe c-06dbcf53 customtext inscriptions en verso in ink 3623 c-06dbcf53 customtext credit_line en Museum Purchase c-06dbcf53 customtext materials_extent en complete c-06dbcf53 customtext credit_line_extent en complete c-06dbcf53 customtext credit_line_source en George Eastman House c-06dbcf53 customtext inscriptions_extent en complete c-06dbcf53 customtext inscriptions_source en George Eastman House c-06dbcf53 customtext materials_source en George Eastman House google display_date 1879 per Louis Ducos du Hauron when presented to a French archive in the 1880s google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 0000000006dbcf53 google picasa_token FoSQWRzR6jrCPWYknNkV9chA-Lg special url_id NgGZ4r8xSGY9Ew google partner/name George Eastman House special partner/name_no_lang George Eastman House PD-old-auto-1923 1920 Louis Ducos du Hauron Google Art Project works by Louis Ducos du Hauron Paintings of birds Paintings of roosters |