Keywords: M. Maurice Stora - Atalanta and Meleager Present the Head of the Caledonian Boar at the Temple of Artemis - Google Art Project.jpg M 804378 Maurice Stora /collection/the-toledo-museum-of-art/artwork/atalanta-and-meleager-present-the-head-of-the-caledonian-boar-at-the-temple-of-artemis-m-maurice-stora/811338/ M Maurice Stora /artist/m-maurice-stora/4125624/ 4125624 /collection/the-toledo-museum-of-art/ The Toledo Museum of Art 449280 http //www toledomuseum org/ 2/13/2012 7 07 34 PM /collection/the-toledo-museum-of-art/artwork/atalanta-and-meleager-present-the-head-of-the-caledonian-boar-at-the-temple-of-artemis-m-maurice-stora/811338/ 1530 1530 Wool and silk tapestry 3500 811338 False 1535 1535 Complete 3/24/2012 10 52 34 AM 1928 204 http //classes toledomuseum org 8080/emuseum/view/objects/asitem/96/3 Purchased with funds from the Libbey Endowment Gift of Edward Drummond Libbey Textile 1530 1540 Europe Creation w5100 x h3500 m 1530 - 1535 False 1 43016759776536 Object atalanta-and-meleager-present-the-head-of-the-caledonian-boar-at-the-temple-of-artemis-m-maurice-stora Atalanta and Meleager Present the Head of the Caledonian Boar at the Temple of Artemis a 5100 Wool and silk tapestry special url_id twHQpPivUteU_A PD-old-100 Google Art Project works by M Maurice Stora Google Art Project files requiring license verification Calydonian Hunt 16th-century tapestries Toledo Museum of Art 1530s works in the United States |