Keywords: Mammutbaum am Forsthaus 161106 03.jpg de Diese Bäume wurden 1848 oder 1860 ehemaliges InfoSchild gepflanzt Sie sind je nach Quelle zwischen 35 und 48 Metern hoch Naturdenkmal Riesenmammutbaum Sequoiadendron giganteum en Formerly there was an information board next to the two trees According to that the trees were planted in 1860 and 35 meter high In 2013 the hight was measured to 40 Meter According to an old book the trees were 48 meter high and were planted in the year 1848 Sequoiadendron giganteum 2016-11-06 15 35 56 own 4spring other versions N 50° 13 486 E 008° 32 945 cc-zero Mammutbaum am Forsthaus Oberursel |