MAKE A MEME View Large Image MDA and MDH.svg Instrument approach MDA minimum descent altitude MDH minimum descent height MAPt missed approach point green line runway in sight �� continue descent below MDA/H red line runway not in sight before reaching MAPt �� hold ...
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Keywords: MDA and MDH.svg Instrument approach MDA minimum descent altitude MDH minimum descent height MAPt missed approach point green line runway in sight �� continue descent below MDA/H red line runway not in sight before reaching MAPt �� hold altitude when reaching MAPt �� missed approach/go around Mindestsinkflughöhe MDA minimum descent altitude MDH minimum descent height MAPt missed approach point Fehlanflugpunkt grüne Linie Landebahn/-befeuerung in Sicht �� weiter sinken rote Linie Landebahn/-befeuerung noch nicht in Sicht MAPt noch nicht erreicht �� Höhe halten wenn MAPt erreicht und Landebahn/-befeuerung noch nicht in Sicht �� missed approach/Durchstarten own incorporating C 172 line drawing svg 2010-04-10 C 172 line drawing svg Werneuchen everything else El Grafo <span class signature-talk >talk</span> Decision altitude and decision height svg Decision altitude and decision height CC-0 Air navigation diagrams Aircraft altitude diagrams Files by User El Grafo Landings in aviation ILS
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