Keywords: Merry-Joseph Blondel - Felicite-Louise-Julie-Constance de Durfort.jpg artwork Creator Merry-Joseph Blondel 1808 Oil on canvas Unidentified private collection http //www europeanpaintings com/item php id 129 PD because of age other versions <gallery>Merry-Joseph Blondel - Portrait of Félicité-Louise de Durfort Maréchale de Beurnonville - WGA2304 jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1808; Maréchale de Beurnonville Merry-Joseph Blondel 19th-century portrait paintings in unidentified private collections House of Durfort 1800s dresses 1808 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1808 portrait paintings from France 19th-century oil portraits of standing women at full length 19th-century promenade portraits 19th-century women of France Château de Balincourt Empire silhouette Female shoes in portrait paintings Females with white dresses in art French promenade portraits Portrait paintings of women of France Durfort Portrait paintings of standing women with arms resting on pedestals Portraits with shawls 19th-century women looking at viewer in art |