Keywords: MH370 map.svg en Map of Malaysia Airlines MH370 path 2014-03-11 13 42 55 DEMIS World Map Server http //www2 demis nl/mapserver/wms asp VERSION 1 1 0 REQUEST GetMap SRS EPSG 4326 BBOX 59 7375759966999 -7 36599696909886 149 737575996699 54 0529219498195 WIDTH 1628 HEIGHT 1111 LAYERS Bathymetry Countries Topography Hillshading Coastlines Rivers Borders STYLES BGCOLOR 0xCEFFFF FORMAT image/gif TRANSPARENT FALSE WRAPDATELINE TRUE File Malaysia Airlines MH370 path labelled svg PD-Demis CC-0 Uploaded with UploadWizard Flight paths of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 |